As well as our Discretionary Portfolios, we provide a number of other services to our clients.

We provide full reporting on all our services and contact with our investment professionals is always available as needed.

We manage fixed income portfolios for captive insurers, trusts, pension funds and private clients, investing across the fixed income universe.

Fixed income portfolios benefit from a number of sources of return each contributing to the overall performance of a portfolio. Government bonds such as UK Gilts or US Treasuries provide safety but lower levels of yield or income. Corporate bonds can be incorporated into the portfolio makeup to add additional yield although this will usually involve adding additional risk to the portfolio too. 

We can also offer portfolios of Green and sustainable Bonds for those wishing to invest into fixed income markets in a more sustainable manner.

Our fixed income portfolios are individually tailored to the client's risk appetite and investment restrictions. Please contact us for more information.

The Rocq Capital team create bespoke structured solutions for clients based on their requirements. Our clients have come to rely on us to create products that are innovative, competitive and which prioritise security of capital. Being truly independent, we use a number of different counterparties to create the products and undertake constant credit reviews of each to ensure risk is understood and minimised. A daily, liquid secondary market is provided for all of our products. We also provide full after-sales service, with ongoing pricing and market updates.

We offer an execution only service to clients wishing to invest in funds and other securities with valuations provided to the client by Rocq Capital. 


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Rocq Capital funds

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